Ask me anything series 5.0 Part A – Monique Buch

Welcome back to our ‘Ask me anything’ series on #IIOH where we chat with industry experts on everything sustainability related.

In the last of our interview series, we sat down with our Vice President Global Nonwovens Business at Lenzing – Monique Buch. Monique spearheads the growth of Lenzing’s nonwovens business, while developing sustainable, innovative and pioneering fiber solutions. She places a strong emphasis on encouraging accountability and taking action to change the world, as she shared with us in her interview.

Q: Why is it so important for our generation and future generations to address climate change?

Monique: I’ve been raised to appreciate the world and the environment we live in. This is why I want to take care of it, in order to be able to hand it down to the next generation in an equal or better state. In 2006, when my daughter was born, this notion transformed from an ethical topic to something very close to my heart. Like most parents, I want what is best for my child and I would like her to live in a world that provides a beautiful habitat with clean air and water, enabling her to live a healthy and peaceful life. Looking at today’s issues, it is obvious we have to act to preserve this for my children as well as all of the children around the world.

Being an engineer by training, I believe in solving problems by addressing the root cause, creating less waste, reducing our footprint and regenerating resources.

Q: What are some challenges involved in encouraging the next generation to become more sustainable?

Monique: The question is, how can we provide options for people to have convenient, beautiful, functional products that are sustainable? How can I work on creating better choices? When I look at the next generation, they often demonstrate an already elevated awareness regarding sustainability. For example, there is more focus on sustainable food and meat consumption. Consequentially, there are more delicious vegetarian options in restaurant, and this is how they provide for better choices.

Q: What final message from the VEOCEL™ brand would you want our readers to know?

Monique: VEOCEL™ is Lenzing’s premium fiber brand for the Nonwovens industry. VEOCEL™ provides sustainable fibers that contribute to a sustainable world by caring for oceans and forests, climate change and people. Our fibers help create products like diapers and baby wipes that support people from right after birth, to throughout their lives, by cleaning and personal care wipes to support a healthy lifestyle and femcare products to enable women to fully participate in all activities in life. With this emphasis on people and on life, it is only logical we care for people and life itself by providing better choices.

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