Ask me anything series 2.0 – Science Pool
To give you a quick recap on the first part of our series, we chatted with Gerlinde Heil, CEO of Science Pool, to learn more on the Science Pool program and their partnership with #ItsInOurHands initiative.
For the second part of our series, we will continue our chat with Gerlinde, to discuss on the importance of educating the youth on what it means to be sustainable, as well as some very helpful tips on sustainability!

Q: What are some issues that the younger generation face when it comes to making eco-friendly decisions?
Gerlinde: The younger generation do not want to wait passively for something to be put in front of them, instead they would like to participate and help shape things around them. Very often, they were not taught in their school programs of the impact behind climate change and the importance of sustainability.
That’s why it is important for us to collaborate with a partner like #ItsInOurHands initiative to create these accessible teaching materials that can gauge younger generation’s participation. After they conduct their own experiment, they will have a better understanding on their own research results and can make better decisions for themselves.
Q: What tips would you give to fellow parents or educators about enhancing science knowledge among our children?
Gerlinde: I would say that no child is too young to want to know and learn! Our children were born as researchers and can help shape their environment and their future. Don’t limit them. Science is not only for the work of scientists, but for every individual out there. We can all influence science and can change our everyday life. Allow them to be creative and think outside of the box!
Q: What are some key steps you take to care about our planet in your daily life?
Gerlinde: I always think about what I do to care for my planet and that is how I shape the Science Pool program as well. My passion is taking care of children and young people and ensuring that they are protected in our world. How I take care of our planet is simply by ensuring that we are a reliable program and that our children are getting the right knowledge and understanding on what is happening to our current planet so that they are more aware as well. We hope to keep encouraging them and giving them the right tools to shape their future, after all #ItsInOurHands!
If you enjoy this series, make sure to stick around as our next ‘Ask me anything’ series with another special guest will be coming soon!