Ask me anything series 4.0 Part A – Kudos

Welcome back to our ‘Ask me anything’ series on #IIOH where we chat with industry experts on everything sustainability related

Introducing our fourth guest, Kudos! They are a leading provider of sustainable baby products and created the first ever disposable and plant-based baby diapers lined with 100% cotton. And they’re taking it even further by using 100% VEOCEL™ branded lyocell fibers that are compostable, biodegradable, and made from sustainably harvested trees, in their wipes.

We sat down with Moira Finicane, Head of Marketing at Kudos, to learn more about their mission to create a plastic-free future.

Q: Why is Kudos such an advocate for clean baby care?

Moira: A typical baby spends the first 2.5 years of their life chilling in diapers before beginning potty training. That’s over 22,000 hours! And so, what’s touching a baby’s skin during all this time matters! We know that traditional baby diapers and wipes often contain chemicals, and the moisture and heat inside a diaper after urination can maximize their absorption into the skin. Repeated exposure over time has a cumulative effect that can produce long-term inflammatory conditions and delayed allergic reactions, including rashes. With Kudos, we know we can provide a safer solution –for the benefit of a baby’s sensitive skin and for the benefit of the planet.

Q: Why is it so important for our generation and future generations to address climate change?

Moira: As parents, we feel a responsibility to protect the planet for our children, and we want to show our children that you can be the change you want to see in the world. By working together with our partners to come up with more and more sustainable, plant-based plastic alternatives, we are committed to taking the steps necessary to challenge industry standards and push innovation forward.

Q: Are there any final messages about Kudos wipes and caring for our planet that you’d like to share with our readers?

Moira: While other plastic and bamboo wipes are made using harsh chemicals that pollute, Kudos wipes are responsible. The fibers used in Kudos wipes come from sustainably grown wood sources, and over 99% of the solvents are recycled from start to finish during processing. You'll love how Kudos wipes feel on baby's sensitive skin (and how Mama Earth barely feels them at all)!

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