Guidance when shopping
The awareness of sustainability is on the rise. Whether it be in clothing or in the household, today’s consumers have a stronger awareness and they are prepared not to take the very first best product which presents itself on the shelf. However, it is difficult to find the right decision making process.
Environmental protection is on the tip of everyone’s tongues, omnipresent in the media and a permanent feature in the programs of governments and organizations, such as the European Union, alike. Above all, it is now much more firmly anchored in people‘s minds. People who make conscious purchasing decisions are no longer exotic beings. The tendency to buy good and sustainable products has become mainstream and for a rising number of consumers it is the thing to do.
Putting this into practice is, however, a true challenge. In many cases, it is extremely difficult to recognize the correct, sustainable and eco-friendly products in the stores, since the descriptions used are often confusing. In addition, the data on the packaging mostly only refers to the ingredients which have been used, such as the aroma, the detergents and the oils, but not to the basic material. Regardless of how many times one turns the pack over: what goes in wet wipes frequently remains a secret. And, there is one good reason for this: since eight out of ten wet wipes contain high amounts of fossil-based plastic. To put these into circulation, to use them is in any case unhealthy for one’s own ecological footprint. If these are then incorrectly disposed of or carelessly thrown away, this can be a serious burden for Nature.
VEOCEL™, the brand from Lenzing AG, has two good pieces of news for eco-conscious consumers with regard to wet wipes: VEOCEL™ fibers are made in a sustainable process from wood and they combine: a unique performance, comfort and sustainability in wet wipes and hygiene products for daily use. They also contribute towards maintaining an ecological balance since they are integrated in the cycle of Nature. And in the course of the so-called Co-Brandings, one can also find the VEOCEL™ logo on a rising number of wet wipes, as confirmation of the fact that exclusively biodegradable fibers were used. In the meantime, there are 20 of these brand collaborators and the number is on the rise (see www.veocel.com/wheretobuy).
VEOCEL™ - the fiber for the environment
VEOCEL™- fibers are made exclusively of wood which has grown in sustainable forest plantations and is then processed in an eco-friendly production process. Cellulose fibers of the VEOCEL™ brand are also biodegradable. Series of tests prove in an impressive manner how wipes made of VEOCEL™ fibers decompose without a trace in the soil or water within a few weeks and are then reabsorbed by Nature. #itsinourhands