Water is life: sustainable water management at Lenzing
Within the Lenzing group, sustainability is highly valued both on land and on water: Diligent water management as well as dealing with this precious commodity in a responsible manner play an essential role in the production of VEOCEL™ branded fibers.
Water is a vital component when it comes to the production of VEOCELTM fibers. However, fresh water is a valuable resource: And therefore careful water management is an important aspect of sustainable thinking and the sustainability strategy of Lenzing. The efficient use of water in production but also the use of modern water treatment technologies clearly reduce water pollution and consumption. The goal is to recycle and reuse as much water as possible.
The forest - A water reservoir
For the production of VEOCEL™ fibers, Lenzing purchases certified wood from sustainably managed forests and plantations, which are part of the natural water cycle and thus guarantee the availability of fresh water. To keep the water footprint as low as possible, waste water-induced environmental pollution is reduced and precious water resources are saved through this kind of sustainable raw material procurement.
Biodegradability to water
Wood-based cellulose VEOCEL™ fibers do not only save, but they also do not pollute water like fibers of fossil resources do: Regardless of whether it be inland waters or the sea, salt or fresh water – VEOCEL™ fibers are completely biodegradable and compostable within a few weeks. In contrast to fossil-based fibers, they immediately become part of nature again and do not contribute to the plastic pollution in our waters.
Lenzing Sustainability Report 2019
Lenzing Sustainability Report 2018
Lenzing Sustainability Report 2017