VEOCEL™ – A letter to a child

Our children are the living symbol of sustainability – they are our future. They, too, should have the chance of an intact environment like the one we experienced. But will they be able to look forward to a carefree future? Because we treat our planet as if we had a second one up our sleeve. What fears and worries will our children grow up with? Do they have a chance for a carefree tomorrow?

„When I think about it, I worry very much that our beautiful planet as we know it will not be the same in your future.”  

Daniel Schwarzbauer

Our children are the living symbol of sustainability – they are our future. They, too, should have the chance of an intact environment like the one we experienced. But will they be able to look forward to a carefree future? Because we treat our planet as if we had a second one up our sleeve. What fears and worries will our children grow up with? Do they have a chance for a carefree tomorrow?

These are the very questions we have been pondering and we came to the conclusion: Therefore, the time has come for us to stand up and make a difference: At Lenzing, we are committed to sustainable production and preserving the environment. Using wood as a natural raw material, we have been creating innovative solutions for the protection of our planet for more than 80 years – with our biodegradable cellulose fibers of the VEOCEL™ brand, we put our mission into practice.

Each and every day our employees make a valubale contribution towards maintaining our environment – a task which fills them with pride and motivates them again and again. Since it is our responsibility to preserve the world for our children, descendants and all the other generations to come. As part of the #LetterToAChild campaign, our employees wrote their wishes and toughts down on paper in the form of a hand-written letter to their own children and grand-children. Important messages for the future emerged in the process showing us: together we are on the right track to the future!

You can get an insight into the campaign HERE and in the VIDEO

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