Working together for climate protection: CO2-neutral fibers from VEOCEL™
Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing us in the 21st Century. It is becoming a matter of necessity to minimize and compensate our CO2 emissions. After all we have only this planet and it is our duty to protect it for our children and future generations. Lenzing too has made a clear commitment to climate protection: VEOCEL™ fibers are not only completely biodegradable – with its new „Climate Care“ campaign, VEOCEL™ is even launching the first CO2 neutral cellulose fiber on the market!

The climate warming we observe can be traced back to the greenhouse effect caused by humans since the advent of industrialization. The more carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere, the hotter our planet becomes. The consequences are fatal: around the globe glaciers and ice masses are melting, weather extremes are on the rise, drought is spreading, there is less rainfall, forests are burning, sea levels are rising, the oceans are gaining in acidity and animal and plant species are becoming extinct. The more noticeable the climate crisis becomes, the clearer it becomes: we have to put the brakes on global warming and the CO2-emissions produced by mankind have be urgently reduced!
With VEOCELTM fibers in the battle against climate change
To protect our earth, VEOCEL™‘s parent company has, as the world’s first manufacturer of wood-based cellulose fibers, committed itself to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and by the year 2050 it strives for net zero emissions. For this Lenzing has launched an extensive and ambitious reduction program. One result of these climate measures now clear for business partners and customers alike is the new and particularly climate-friendly VEOCEL™ fiber. This is certified as carbon-neutral® and the result of many measures to reduce CO2, which Lenzing implemented in recent years. Apart from the use of energy from renewable sources, biomass as a raw material for energy for heat generation and the use of modern and highly efficient production methods, such as the closed-loop-process, Lenzing also invests in specific climate protection projects to reduce CO2 in the environment. These different activities in combination with sustainable timber procurement from controlled forests make a contribution towards slowing climate change and realizing a new measure of transparency along the entire value added chain – a CO2-footprint which is marvelous to behold.
This commitment in favor of our earth was even granted an award by the global non-profit environmental organization CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). Through this award, the company secured itself a place on the prestigious „A-List" to combat climate change and the protection of our forests.
The long-term and sustainable use of Lenzing for environmental protection is thus now further extended to include the chapter of climate protection. Thus it is good to know that the wood-based cellulose fibers of the VEOCEL™ brand are not only completely biodegradable but are now also CO2 neutral.