Beyond fossil-based plastic
Even if people worldwide have become more aware of the problem in the last few years, the sheer amounts of fossil-based plastic are still ginormous: plastic, so widely used, pollutes our oceans and represents a health risk. The good news: scientists and companies are working on eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives – just as Lenzing AG did with its wood-based and biodegradable VEOCEL™ cellulose fibers. Some solutions are already tried and tested and others are still in their infancy– we would like to present four of them.
Even if people worldwide have become more aware of the problem in the last few years, the sheer amounts of fossil-based plastic are still ginormous: plastic, so widely used, pollutes our oceans and represents a health risk. The good news: scientists and companies are working on eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives – just as Lenzing AG did with its wood-based and biodegradable VEOCEL™ cellulose fibers. Some solutions are already tried and tested and others are still in their infancy– we would like to present four of them.
USA: Milk protein is good for strong muscles – as well as for strong packaging?
We are all familiar with casein. This is the protein found in milk, cheese, curd or fitness shakes. Scientists from the American Chemical Society (ACS) have succeeded in producing a biodegradable packaging film from these proteins: the scientists transferred the proteins into a net-like structure to dry the material and then roll it into thin sheets. The film produced is water-resistant and protects fresh foodstuffs even better than conventional plastic. Thus, this alternative packaging form could help to ensure that less foodstuffs end up in our waste. On the subject of waste: instead of throwing this packaging away, you can quite simply eat it – in soups for example the packaging could simply go into the pot along with the soup.
Straw instead of styrofoam: environmentally friendly and available in abundance
Styrofoam boxes are frequently used to safely transport electronic devices or sensitive products like foodstuffs or medicine to customers. However, they are the exact opposite of environmentally friendly. The start-up company, Landpack, from Bavaria produces insulating packaging from straw – especially for transporting foodstuffs. Straw insulates just as well as Styrofoam and can, in comparison, be disposed of in the garden or organic waste. The straw is pressed into the shape required and then sealed with a protective film. The film is made of completely compostable starch. For example, the Styrofoam boxes are used in the food service industry or in company logistics. A further advantage: straw is available in abundance. In Germany, around 20 percent of the straw harvested is not used.
Indonesia: edible algae as packaging
A packaging without plastic, which can also be eaten as a snack? An Indonesian start-up has dedicated itself to this development. The company, Evoware, has developed packaging for foodstuffs and drinks which are edible, nutritional and free of taste. The material is made of algae which are grown and can be disposed of biologically. But why choose algae? This can be explained by the fact that 10 million tonnes of seaweed are produced in Indonesia every year. Packaging from Evoware constitutes a biodegradable alternative to plastic and can be eaten to boot.
Germany: packaging and cutlery from agricultural remains
The company, Bio-Lutions, from Hamburg is investing in a variety of agricultural left-overs. Apart from straw, for example banana logs and tomato plants are used. To make the packaging or disposable tableware, the plant parts are first finely grounded and then mixed with water. The fiber mash is then pressed into the required shape – whether it be packaging boxes, spoons or plates. Moreover, Bio-Lutions makes sure that the packaging is made of regional materials. A true innovation: tomato plants can also be used to pack tomatoes.
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