Clean fiber from sustainably managed forests
A complex management system for wood procurement guarantees that all of the wood used for the production of VEOCEL™ fibres stems from sustainably managed sources.
Even ecological products are only as eco-friendly as the source of the raw materials used. Thus for many years Lenzing has applied tried and tested certification models when purchasing wood. Over 99 percent of the wood and pulp resources employed by the Lenzing group are certified according to these criteria focusing on sustainability in forest management or they are reviewed according to these strict standards.
At the site in Lenzing, mainly beech wood and small quantities of hardwood are processed which all stem from sustainably managed forests in Central Europe. The timber suppliers include, apart from mainly small private companies, the state forests of Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They all attach great importance to sustainable forest management according to their social mission. Lenzing AG also takes action when it comes to protecting endangered forests and primeval woods since the company knows about the importance of healthy forest areas for our climate as the most important storage of CO2. In the light of climate change, the forest industry is increasingly planting deciduous trees, including beech wood. The fiber industry supports this trend also because of its own need for these woods.
Sustainable production means that Lenzing AG assures closed loop processes in pulp and fiber production when producing VEOCEL™ for the necessary auxiliary materials such as chemicals, water and energy as far as possible. The process water used is purified in powerful purification plants. The biorefinery sites of Lenzing AG use the raw material, wood, in an optimum manner so that valuable biorefinery products and co-products are generated apart from pulp for fiber production. The residual materials from production are fed in the company’s own power stations to generate energy in order to use up the raw material, wood, to 100 percent.