The big winter clean-up
And here it is: the cold season! Temperatures are plummeting, winter coats are coming out of the wardrobes and woolen hats are putting in an appearance again. Now there is nothing quite like „home sweet home“ – a cozy home in which, ideally, you can sit in front of the fireplace fire, wrapped in a warm cover, eating cookies and drinking hot tea. To tune into the new season in the best and most comfortable way and to prepare yourself for those holiday visitors, it is good to have a winter clean which is both well planned and as natural and sustainable as possible.
The great winter clean is a topic which polarizes people – some people love it whilst others hate it. Since we all (have to) do it (at some time), we gave some thought to how we could make our winter clean as sustainable and ecologically meaningful as possible – since many cleaning materials are harmful for the environment and thus our own health. Most cleaning agents contain tensides, fragrance, dyes and preservatives or strong chemicals such as chlorine, which for example get into the waste water when rinsing. If, you also use disposable cloths of fossil-based plastic, disposable cloths or gloves, then the amount of waste is higher and the environmental balance is even worse. Tons of microplastic and household chemicals from washing powders, cleaning agents and detergents end up in our waste waters – something which we have to counteract. Here are some tips to show how easily your apartment can be cleaned naturally, ecologically and without chemicals.
Transparency as a criterion for your purchasing decision
When purchasing cleaning agents it makes sense to examine them more closely. Is the packaging eco-friendly or degradable? What ingredients are used? How are the ingredients declared and is the information comprehensible? What information do the manufacturers provide on their Website? Pay particular attention to common seals of quality and labels, as well as Apps such as Codecheck since these can help you with your decision.
Take a closer look at cleaning utensils.
When it comes to plastic-free cleaning, you should also avoid plastic sponges. Sustainable alternatives are available. For example there are sponges made of the Luffa plant or cloths from wood-based materials, which are good at absorbing dirt and get by with only a little bit of detergent. Even better: cloths of fabric which can be washed and used again. Even the all-rounder, the “kitchen roll”, is in the meantime available in a bio-degradable or reusable form. And anyone who uses handy disposable wipes should look carefully to see what the fibers are made of – in the ideal case of bio-degradable, wood-based cellulose fibers like VEOCEL™.
Make sustainable cleaning agents yourself.
With just a few home remedies, you can create sustainable cleaning products for almost any cleaning purpose. Vinegar essence, baking soda, soda and citric acid are great "all-purpose" cleaners and can be used in a variety of different ways.
- Soda helps to dissolve grease and helps you clean smeared surfaces without any difficulty. Moreover, you can use soda to produce detergents and dish soaps.
- Baking soda helps combat stubborn stains. It reacts strongly with vinegar and can be used in this combination to clean drains or sinks.
- Vinegar essence and citric acid are great against limestone. Mixed with warm water they can dissolve hard-core limescale in the bathroom or you can use them to clean windows and mirrors to perfection.
- Core soap and other home remedies make fantastic detergents for the washing machine and are equally great as a dishwasher powder.
Do you have any other tips? Share them with us on @veocel_dach! In any case, we are already highly motivated to do our cleaning in a sustainable, natural and eco-friendly way and thus make a further contribution to our environment. #ItsInOurHands
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