Spring is in the starting blocks and the first signs of spring are already breaking through soil warmed by the sun. The natural cycle of the seasons moves into the next round and all the signs are set for a “new beginning“. An ideal time therefore to get our own four walls into top shape, to start a new and exciting year with zest and a good feeling. And here too the following applies: ItsInOurHands! Clean and fresh are also possible without chemical cleaning agents and other toxic substances. In the article which follows we will reveal four useful tips and tricks for an eco-friendly spring clean – for a clean home and a clear conscience!
1. Sour can clean! (vinegar/lemon)
Sour food does not just put us in a good mood, it can also clean! Lemons are efficient helpers when removing limestone remains from bathroom fittings, sinks or the bathtub. This citrus fruit is a dab hand when it comes to cleaning pots and can even tackle bacteria. The lemon is cut and directly applied to the place which has to be cleaned. Impurities dissolve as a result of the lemon acid in the lemon, while the peel and the fruit pump assume the function of a sponge or cleaning cloth. Other acidic foods, like vinegar or baking soda, are alternatives to citrus fruits. Depending on the intensity required in the home-made „cleaning agents“, these can be easily diluted with water to make them milder.
Did you know? The acetic acid used in cleaning agents is extracted from wood fibers and is a valuable byproduct when producing VEOCELTM fibers. This plant-based acid occurs for example in the Frosch vinegar cleaning agents, WC vinegar cleaning agent and raspberry vinegar cleaning agent.
2. Proper waste separation
A little step for mankind but a great step for the environment! The correct separation of waste is a wonderful example which illustrates how a multitude of little deeds can have a major positive impact. Once the different waste bins have been purchased, separating the different materials is child’s play. In Austria and in many other European countries, the waste is generally sorted into glass, paper, plastic („the yellow garbage can“), organic waste, residual waste and problem substances.
3. Home-made detergents
They exist – alternatives to chemical substances and other toxic cleaning products! Regardless of whether it is detergents, all-round cleaning agents or washing up liquid, many cleaning agents can be easily made in a more environmentally friendly way at home. When manufacturing these cleaning agents, ingredients such as curd soap, baking soda, vinegar or even food starch or soda are used. The peel of citrus fruits is particularly well suited to the production of all-round cleaning agents.
4. Reusable cleaning cloths and sponges
The greater share of the sponges and cleaning cloths available in our stores contain hidden plastic in the form of microfibers, which can cause great environmental problems when washing or due to improper disposal. And here again there are sustainable solutions: for example wet wipes from wood-based VEOCEL™ fibers, which can be biodegraded after their use. Basically, old dish towels and hand towels can be upcycled and thus they get a new lease of life.
With these eco-friendly tips in mind, there is nothing now in the way of your sustainable spring clean - have fun trying it out!
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